Knight at HOME at the Movies
Disaster!  Disaster!

With the release of Poseideon, a remake of the original mega epic, Fox Home Video has just released Special Editions of
producer Irwin Allen’s two mega disaster blockbusters,
The Poseidon Adventure and The Towering Inferno.  There’s enough
fire extra material to keep you afloat until next week.  Ugh – sorry for the dreadful puns – it’s Friday…
After a spate of so-so adventure themed movies in the early 60s and after conquering
television via
Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel, Land of the Giants, producer Irwin Allen
returned to the big screen in 1972 with the ballast heavy story of the ocean liner fated to
flip over on New Year’s Eve,
The Poseidon Adventure.  The foregone success of such a
resonant scenario would seem to be assured but that was hardly the case.  The film was
released in an era – hard to believe – in which big budget, all star action pictures like
Poseidon were the exception to the rule.  But with the release of the movie in 1972, all that
changed and the disaster picture was here to stay.  All this and much more is detailed in
Fox Home Video’s new two-disc
Poseidon Adventure Special Edition.  It’s a gigantic
leap over their previous, feature only DVD release.  For one thing, this is a beautiful
transfer that returns the film, which suffered in its previous incarnation from the haze of
one of those typical 70s faded color transfers, to its majestic glory.  There are
commentaries from director Ronald Neame and several cast members (that gets nice and
gossipy) accompanying the feature on the first disc.  The second disc has a vast array of
special features newly created for this release (nine in all) – everything from one of those
terrific AMC “Back Story” episodes (love those – keep ‘em coming Fox!) – to background
features on the Queen Mary where exteriors were shot as well as stuff about that
quintessential early 70s pop ear candy song, “The Morning After.”  There are also great
vintage features (many of which are utilized in the “Backstory” episode) that are fun. A
terrifically entertaining and interesting release.

After the mega success of
Poseidon, Allen next tackled fire with 1974’s The Towering
.  Everything about Inferno seems a doubling of Poseidon – from the huge, all star
cast headed by Steve McQueen and Paul Newman and a production that was so top heavy
its costs were shared by two studios.  But the result, though a tad over long and not as
satisfying as
Poseidon once again gave disaster fans an equal dose of thrills and cheese
(courtesy of all the film’s many subplots).  As one fan of the disaster genre noted, the
reason why
Poseidon is much more compelling than Inferno is because the survivors in the
first try to save themselves while those in the latter pretty much sit tight and wait for the
fire department to lead them to safety (whether it be by elevator, helicopter, down some
really smoky stairways, or in the arms of The Juice if you're Jennifer Jones' cat).  Again,
Fox has released a 2-disc
Towering Inferno Special Edition that’s miles ahead of
their previous release.  Again we have a much better transfer on the first disc and a host
of new featurettes on the second (and yes, there’s another episode of the AMC
“Backstory”).  Best, there are 30(!) extended and deleted scenes.  Those wishing for
more Richard Chamberlain, Fred Astaire, et al will get their money’s worth here.

Obviously, these two make for a wonderful double feature for your next viewing party and
the bargain price (both for around $20) makes this purchase a no-brainer.