2006 Knight at the Movies Oscar Nominated Films and
I've been fortunate to speak with several filmmakers whose work
is nominated for Academy Awards this year.

Quick links to those interviews and the films that are in contention
that have been reviewed at
Knight at the Movies follow:
Brokeback Mountain star
Heath Ledger and director
Ang Lee
Transamerica writer-director
Duncan Tucker
Rusty Schwimmer who
ably supports Oscar
nominees Charlize Theron
and Frances McDormand
North Country
Links to 2006 Oscar Nominated
Films Reviewed by
Knight at the Movies
Brokeback Mountain
(Picture-Director-Actor-Supporting Actor-Supporting Actress-Cinematography-
Screenplay Adaptation-Original Score)
(Picture-Director-Actor-Supporting Actress-Screenplay Adaptation)
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
(Costume Design)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
(Visual Effects-Sound Mixing-Makeup)
Corpse Bride
(Animated Featured)
Crash (DVD release)
(Picture-Director-Supporting Actor-Editing-Screenplay Original-Original Song)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
(Art Direction)
(Screenplay Original)
Memoirs of a Geisha
(Cinematography-Costume Design-Sound Mixing-Sound Editing-Original
Score-Art Direction)
Mrs. Henderson Presents
(Actress-Costume Design)
(Picture-Director-Editing-Screenplay Adaptation-Original Score)
The New World
North Country
(Actress-Supporting Actress)
Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith
(Actress-Original Song)
War of the Worlds
(Visual Effects-Sound Mixing-Sound Editing)
Close Encounters of the Celebrity Kind...