The late, lamented tacky midnight series that Mr. O'Day is CONSTANTLY begging to have brought back!
Richard Knight, Jr. - Cinema Writer
Richard Knight, Jr. is a reel-ist of the highest order and has an appreciation for both Billy Bob Thornton
and Billy Wilder. He’s a movie know-it-all with knowledge that spans American cinematic history from
Elizabeth Taylor to Elizabeth Berkely. As a confirmed movie addict, Knight loves nothing more than
matching wits against a group of friends in yet another edition of Silver Screen Trivial Pursuit (current
winning streak is 15 to 1) or hosting yet another movie marathon. Yes, this cinema nut is certifiable.
From 1999 to 2002 Knight was the film critic for I Do I Do, a couples radio talk show broadcast each
week on Chicago’s WCKG-FM.
About Me
Chicago's Landmark Century Cinema’s weekly midnight movie series, Landmark After Dark was launched in the summer of 2002 and
was also hosted and pervaded by the zany antics of Knight’s omnipresent alter ego, Dick O’Day. Though Beyond the Valley of the
Dolls, Straight Jacket, Female Trouble, and Flesh Gordon (among others) were screened, the series failed to find a continuing, rabid cult
following to our eternal disappointment...
Knight’s 20-year career as a freelance writer for the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Reader, and New City has encompassed everything
from profiles to book and film reviews. In May of 2004 Knight joined the staff of the
Chicago's premiere GLBT weekly as their Cinema Writer. In addition to his "Knight at the Movies" review column, he does a monthly
round-up of recommended DVD titles and occasional Q&A's with film celebrities. Additionally, Knight writes a seasonal movie
soundtrack column for the Chicago Tribune and in the late summer of 2005 created the breezy little "Outtakes" column for their
Friday Movie Guide.
Knight joined the in 2005.
In addition, as alter ego Dick O’Day, Knight spent six years as a correspondent with WTTW’s Wild Chicago and won two Emmys for his
segments on the show.
At present, he is still working on those two books he's been talking about for years: Film Camp: Notes and Notable Quotes from the
Movies we love to Hate and The Movie Gallery, a book of film essays. His personal film library is...large.